Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Goldicocks and the Three Bears

According to the last head count that I did, there are over 6 billion people on the planet give or take a few over in Asia (they all look a like I may have counted double). Given this fact it would seem to be incredibly stupid for anyone to say they are looking for “The One.” People run around left and right sounding like Morpheus from the Matrix looking for this one special person that is exactly right for them. As funny as it is to see women going through what I like to call “Goldicock Syndrome,” it gets kind of sad after a certain point. (For those of you who don’t get it, Goldicock refers to a woman who sleeps with men until she finds the one).

There isn’t one person for any of us, if there was the statistical likelihood of you finding them is so ridiculously small that you’re screwed. What if your soul mate lives in some small fishing village in the middle of the Indian Ocean and you live in Miami? What if your soul mate died and you never got a chance to meet them? There are more “what if’s” than I would care to account for or to go over, and I’m sure if you’re able to read this you’re smart enough to think of some for yourself.

The problem with this fairytale belief is not that some people are going to never find that magical connection they are looking for. The problem is that people in relationships still go out looking for that one person they should be with. They wonder if the person they are with is that person. People end good relationships because they think that there is some better match for them out there. There isn’t.

There are also people that sit in bad relationships because they feel that they can’t do any better. The same rule applies; you can’t. If you don’t change yourself and look at what you’re doing to cause your relationship to suck you will probably repeat the same behaviors in every relationship you get into. I love talking to those guys who cheat on their girl friends, who think that they are some how magically going to stop cheating once they find their wife.  It is as if true love is what’s keeping them from being faithful and not their inability to say no to their penis. (Turns out the D.A.R.E. program in elementary school did teach me something)

That magical connection you’re searching for if you are one of these people, actually happens when two people decide they want to be together and create a relationship that makes them both happy. Seeing as how I don’t believe in god, I also don’t believe that there is some master plan out there for any of us. You make your own happiness in the short amount of time we have in this life. If your relationship sucks right now instead of looking outside of it and trying to find something better, take an honest look inward and ask yourself what you could do to make it better. If the answer is nothing, then end the relationship. You will get over them; just remember that there are several billion people left for you to go through and NASA is still in search for life outside our planet, so don’t lose hope.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting perspective. I think the answer may lie somewhere between what you are stating. Just suppose we are all unique, similar to others yes, but still unique. If that is the case then it would tend to suggest that there may be someone out there who is just as unique and therefore, better for us than anyone else; likewise that there are several similar people out there that are better for us than most people but not necessarily better thant the near perfect indiviual. If this hypothesis is correct I agree with you. I agree that it is wise to be content with the person you find that is better for you than most others, even if she/he is not that uniquely perfect 'one', though this does not negate that he or she may in fact exist.
