Thursday, July 28, 2011

How To Raise a Slut

How to Raise a Slut
  1. Raise your daughter to think independently and have ambition and goals.
  2. Teach her that her sexuality is something that belongs to her.
  3. Educate her about her body and how to properly protect herself from STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
  4. Teach her that the right time for her to start having sex (with other people) is when mature enough to understand and accept the responsibilities and potential consequences that go along with having sex.
  5. Show her that no man no matter how much he means to her is worth compromising her goals and beliefs for and that a man that is worthwhile would never ask her to do those things.
Now all you have to do is sit back and wait. She will if you get lucky wait until she is out of school, well established in her career and financially independent to get married. By this time I’m sure she has already been dating and if she’s anything like the average teen already lost her virginity around the age of 16. So let’s say now she’s between the ages of 28-32 and has had different relationships and has been enjoying herself responsibly. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that she could have had 7-10 sexual partners. Congratulations according to the moron’s I call friends you have raised a certified slut.

I had a conversation with some of my guy friends at lunch recently and these assholes actually said that a woman like this should be considered a slut. It doesn’t matter who they are, the reasons why they may have had varied sexual partners, or where she is in her life. The only qualifier for a woman to be a slut is the amount of penises that have been in her vagina.

Just for the record I completely disagree with these children. I just felt that I should post something about this, so women everywhere could rise up and assert their sexual equality or whatever. I think what has shocked me isn’t that there are morons in the world shit we still have Republicans. What shocked me is that I’m friends with people that think this way. Unlike them though I’m not going to judge them simply because of one thing they do, or one thing they believe in. I’ll just politely disagree with them and tell all the women that I know, that know them that they have herpes.


  1. Great Post Kyle... Sexual Inequality really, really bothers me... A dude has sex with a large amount of women then he is a player, pimp, and all around smooth dude. In contrast, if a woman has sex with the exact same amount of men, then shes a slut??? (and some women would consider them sluts as well this just isnt just a male perspective). Yeah it sucks, let me explain why this happens. Women control sex!!!! Women run that shit!!!! If a man says no in the middle of intercourse then a woman keeps going!! its called good rough sex! NO SUCH THING AS FEMALE ON MALE RAPE (Except for what the panthers did to Jason Stackhouse on True Blood....that was just fucked up!!) If a man has sex with a woman despite her saying that she doenst want to is considered rape. This is why this is relevant:

    Women can have sex alot easier than a man can.. They can be significantly more selective and demand more from a man before giving it up. So, when a women gives it up so easily (even though its for her own pleasure) it makes her seem slutty why??? Because if a woman wanted to have sex with a guy everytime she went out to the club..she can!!! its that easy

    For a man on the hand, knocking off a chick is a conquest...its a mission to crack the code that keeps her legs closed and if he cracks that code he gets kudos for it!! If a man wanted to have sex with a woman every time he went to the club.. there will be more nights of him watching porn hub to have a post club masterbation extravaganza, than there will be nights of him scoring!

    So why is a girl a slut if she has sex with as many partners as a guy gets praised for??? Because every bitch can do that!!!!

  2. i hear you sane, i always wondered why in the world its like that, where men can sleep wit 20 women and be a player, pimp, or even be praised and if a woman sleeps with 20 men shes a straight slut!! Ive always asked my guy friends this and they all respond the same way "just b/c thats how it goes" well hell that answer is not good enough for me!! lol
